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Play Any Song In Your Game Using Unity Plugin

So you want to create games in which user can listen to his own playlist of songs while playing the game.Here's a plugin that you might be interested in.

I have recently created a unity plugin to select a song from your android phone and then you can play it inside your game.Once a song is selected then it will randomly select another song from the playlist once it is finished.

Steps you need to follow
1) Import the plugin inside unity
2) Drag and drop the soundpicker prefab inside your scene.
3) Create a button to select a song.
4) Create a script and write two methods to play and stop your song like this.

5) Don't forget to import the SongSelectorDLL in your script;
6) Its done!

Now let users enjoy their own playlist while playing their favorite games. 

Download Plugin


  1. Hi Nishant,

    I need some help regarding the plugin that you developed for selecting a music from user device. Please let me know if you can help me. You can email me at



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