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Create Unity Custom Editor - Basics (Part 2)

In the previous part we basically created a fundamental structure setup for us to create an Inspector Editor.

Now we will start creating some scripts so lets dive in.

1) Create a new  C# script (TestScript) inside the Scripts folder we created in part 1( You can name anything related to your project but to keep things simple for this lesson i am taking this name)

2)Create a new C# script (TestScriptEditor) inside the Editor folder we created in part 1( We named it accordingly so that we know that it is an editor script which will be used as a custom inspector)

3) Open the Scripts inside Monodevelop or any other Editor that you use for editing the scripts.

Now this basically sets up our core structure for creating custom inspectors inside unity.

In the next lesson we will cover the editor engine up and running inside of unity.
What are you waiting for lets jump into the next lesson


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