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Detect If Your Device Is Connected To Wifi using Python

Have you ever wanted to see the list of devices connected to your local home network?
Linux provides a cool solution to list all the devices connected to your network using arp scanning.

You need to follow these simple steps:(These are for Linux)

1) Make sure you have arp-scan package installed (if not use sudo apt-get install arp-scan command in terminal to install the package)

2) In order to verify type sudo arp-scan --interface=wlan0 --localnet in terminal. You will probably see the list of devices connected to your local network using wifi.

This sets our base and now we can move on to write our python script to detect particular devices and see there status if its connected to wifi or not.

NOTE: We need to know the mac address of the devices we want to track.

Now Let's create a new python script and name it anything you like and paste this code 

I named mine

Now run your script using sudo python in terminal and see the output.
If the device with the mac address mentioned is connected to the same network then it will print out Device found.

This was just a small script which can be used to target various applications.
It can be used to monitor kids devices whenever they are connected to wifi at night.
Or can be used to turn on/off lights whenever you enter/leave your office.

However, these scenarios require some embedded device(Arduino/RPi) which could possibly send out signals to control other devices.

So the possibilities are endless with just this small piece of script.

I hope you guys like it and maybe you can also post your ideas in the comments section below. 

Happy Coding!
